Some special features of MS-excel
Auto fill
Put the value (sting or number) in a cell. Bring the pointer at the right bottom corner (dragging handle) of the particular cell, the pointer changes to (+) sign then press left mouse button and drag it to desired direction. The value is copied towards dragging. This phenomenon is known as auto fill.
For example put the value 1 and 2 in the cell a1 and a2 respectively, select both the cell then use auto fill feature. It creates a serial number 1, 2, 3 ......n.
Auto sum
The auto sum tools provide facilities to calculate any numeric data into continuous or column cell. For using the auto sum option select the all cells and an extra adjacent cell in which we get the result, then choose auto sum option from the standard toolbar. It returns the sum value of arguments.
Using formula
In formula we use mathematical operations. Excel supports all mathematical operation such as
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Power Etc.
Before use the mathematical operation (formula) we must use "=" sign in the formula. For defining the formula, we must use cell value or cell address.
Cell address is better than the using cell values.
Functions are classified into following categories:-
Copy the formula
If we want to use same formula into another cell which contain previous cell then click dragging handle and drag towards desire but always remember that if we want to copy the formula in the formula always use cell address instead of cell value.
Auto calculate
When we change the value of the argument's the result changes automatically. This phenomenon is known as auto calculates.
Practically any action that we perform in excel requires the selection of a group of adjacent cells. Such a group of cell is called as "Range".
Define range:-
Range are defined by address of two opposite cell separated by colon (:), double dots (..), or commas(,).
For Example: A1:G1 or A1..G1 or A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1...