Full detail MS Excel 2010 | E-Academy

MS-Excel E Academy

What is MS-Excel ?

MS-Excel is another important package of MS office. It is spread sheet package in which working area is divided into row and column is called spread sheet.

MS-Excel provides all mathematical operation which we can perform whenever we open MS-Excel it opens a new work book with the name book 1.

Each book contains by default three work sheet. Each worksheet contains 16384 columns from A to XFD and 1048576 rows.

Extension of MS-Excel is .xlsx

Spread sheet

In a number of our day-to-day activities, we regularly deal with a lot of data the past, all this information (data) was written and stored in rows and columns on very long and wide sheets of paper. These sheets were mainly used in the fields of business and commerce. These sheets were called spread sheet.


A spread sheet is a grid (group) of rows and columns also called as work sheet.

Work book

An excel file is called a work book. On startup. Excel always provide fresh work book with the default name "book 1". This name can be changed when the work book is saved.

Also Read:-

Work book and work sheet

An excel file is called a work book. A work book contains a number of work sheets. Just as a MS work document has a number of pages, an excel work book can have number of work sheets.

Basic Parts of work book window E Academy

 Parts of work book window

1) Active cell indicator

The dark outline of a cell indicates the currently active cell.

2) Row headings

Number ranging from 1 to 1048576, (one for each row in sheet)

3) Column headings

Letters ranging from A to XFD (one for each of the 16384 column in the each worksheet)

4) Select all button

Clicking on the intersection of the row and column headers selects all cell on the active work sheet of the active window.

5) Sheet tab

A work book can have any number of sheets and each sheet have its name displayed in the sheet tab.

6) Cell

Cell is a rectangular area of a row and a column. Hence it is known by a combination of the column's alphabet and row's number. Like a1, b1, b2 etc. Consider the cell known as c8, this is the intersection of the row 8 with the column c. C8, a1, f10 etc are also known as "Cell Addresses" or "cell references".

7) Name box

The name box displays address of current active cell.

8) Formula bar

The formula bar is available just above sheet. It show details related with cell and it show how to value is enter in current or active cell.

Functions are classified into following categories:-

1.     Text Function

2.     Mathematical Function 

3.     Static Function

4.     Date and Time Function

5.     Logical Function

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